Elsewhere monthlies

This is the monthly archive for October 2005.

31 October 2005

Simply Accessible

Derek Featherstone's new site with practical tips on making accessible pages. Right now the focus is on how to use absolute positioning to improve form accessibility.

Accessibility | Permalink

Advocating the quiet revolution

Want to use standards, but nobody else in your company understands them? Start anyway, Andy Clarke advises, and I completely agree. Just doing it will get you further than talking and talking and talking to people who're just not interested.

Society | Permalink

28 October 2005

Web 2.0: It's a mistake to rule out the desktop

Nick Bradbury says that the current Web 2.0 fashion (hype?) is too quick to rule out desktop applications. I completely agree; at the moment web applications are just not good enough, especially in terms of connectivity, to compete with desktop applications in their own environment: the desktop. In fact, I doubt whether they'll ever be able to compete.
Web applications are WEB applications. Their strengths are not those of desktop applications, and vice versa. Simply copying desktop applications is not the way to go.

Society | Permalink

18 October 2005

Faulty Firing

Detailed investigation of the order of events in all browsers when you click on an input and/or a label. Excellent research.

Events | Permalink

Perpetuating the myths of JavaScript degradation

Jeremy Keith takes a stab at dispelling the myth that the myth of JavaScript degradation can be dispelled. If your Ajax application does not degrade and is inaccessible, you made the wrong choices during the design phase. Simple as that. ANY application can become accessible, although I admit there's quite a lot of work to be done in defining best practices.

JavaScript, Theory | Permalink

Introducing DomCorners

An interesting, and especially SHORT script for adding rounded corners to an element of your choice. It begins to look as if JavaScript is the best alternative for this task, since it doesn't require you to insert tag soup into your XHTML just to provide for the corners.

DOM | Permalink

4 Layers of Separation

Particletree adds a fourth layer to structure, presentation and behaviour: the data layer. Although I'm not quite sure XSLT is the best tool for mixing data and structure, I think I agree with the concept of the fourth layer.
All this requires more thought, though, especially since on simple, non-database-driven sites structure and data are one.

Theory | Permalink

IE7 and IE7

Eric Meyer advises us not to change our CSS hacks before the IE 7 beta is actually available. Furthermore, he feels that Dean Edwards's IE 7 script may become our saviour in time of need.

CSS, IE | Permalink

17 October 2005

DOM vs. innerHTML pitfalls

Two interesting innerHTML tidbits.

DOM | Permalink

14 October 2005

Internet Explorer and the Expanding Box Problem

An interesting summary of the incorrect implementation of overflow: visble in IE. Solutions: use overflow: hidden (obviously) or the MS proprietary, but nonetheless interesting, word-wrap: break-word

CSS, IE | Permalink

13 October 2005

Call to action: The demise of CSS hacks and broken pages

I told you so...

CSS, IE | Permalink

11 October 2005

Digital Web Magazine - Interview with Jeremy Keith

Over on Digital Web Jeremy explains once more what has gone wrong with the way JavaScript was used (DHTML!) and how we can clear up the situation.

History, JavaScript, Theory | Permalink

10 October 2005

Piss-Poor Publishing - (Or "Teaching New Dogs Old Tricks")

Ian Lloyd is shocked by the total absence of quality in 90% of the "Web development" books. Having browsed through many JavaScript books in my local bookstore, I can sympathize. Publishers just don't get it, and newbie web developers get wagonloads of bad advice.

Professionalism | Permalink

7 October 2005

DevBoi Sidebar

I just discovered this useful Mozilla sidebar that lists all HTML, CSS and JavaScript elements, declarations and methods. The CSS part contains links to my CSS pages for further information on a few properties.

CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Tools | Permalink

5 October 2005

What the Heck is Canvas

Example of the use of canvas. Firefox 1.5 or Safari 1.3 required.

JavaScript | Permalink

2 October 2005

Search Engine Ranking Factors

General overview of factors that play a role with search engine ranking. These are guidelines, not in-depth explanations.

Society | Permalink


See the September 2005 archive.

This is the linklog of Peter-Paul Koch, mobile platform strategist, consultant, and trainer. You can also visit his QuirksBlog, or you can follow him on Twitter.

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