Political Quirks - Krol

Posts in the Krol category.
Part of Politicians.

Small fry; 4/12


Baudet, CU, DENK, FvD, Krol, Minor parties, PvdT, Rutte, SP, VVD

Dutch politics remain in flux, especially in the margins.

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Party profiles — 50Plus and PvdT


50Plus, Krol, Otten, Party profiles, PvdT

There will be general elections next March, and the dozen-plus-a-few Dutch parties are preparing for them. It’s time for another series of party profiles. We’ll go in order from small to large according to the August 2020 polls.

Today we start with 50Plus and its split-off, the PvdT. I already treated the split-off itself. See also this update.

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Hilarious small-party mergers


50Plus, FvD, Krol, Otten, PvdD, PvdT

Today, news broke that was so unexpected that I had to write about it: split-offs from populist FvD, angry-pensionado 50Plus, and animal-rights PvdD consolideated into a new small party. (Source)

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Debate results


Buma, Debates, Klaver, Krol

Well, that was interesting. The second major TV debate between eight party leaders actually allows us to draw a few conclusions. It could possibly even be a game-changer, though this year changing the game doesn’t mean winning 10 seats, but rather 3 or 4.

Remember: Wilders refused to attend, which led to Thieme (PvdD) being invited. I am starting to think Wilders has made a mistake here. See below under Buma.

Briefly, I expect 50Plus, GL, and the CDA to win some seats due to this debate, D66 and possibly the SP to remain stable, and the rest, including the PVV, to lose. Let’s see how badly this prediction does when the first post-debate polls come out. (I hope De Hond releases his tonight; for the others we’ll likely have to wait until Wednesday.)

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This is the political blog of Peter-Paul Koch, mobile platform strategist, consultant, and trainer, in Amsterdam. It’s a hobby blog where he follows Dutch politics for the benefit of those twelve foreigners that are interested in such matters, as well as his Dutch readers.

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