QuirksBlog - Redesign
About the QuirksMode.org redesign.
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I added a new page about importing the site navigation on all QuirksMode.org pages. The page is mostly about why I do what I do, and less about the how (besides, technically it's quite easy). The site navigation is a perfect example of what Jeremy calls Hijax.
I also put my trusty XMLHttpRequest functions online for future reference. No explanations on this page; I already treated them in section 10A of the book.
I promised to go into more detail about the redesign; here's the first installment in which I talk about some aspects of the CSS.
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As you can see on this page, the QuirksMode.org redesign has gone live. It's not quite ready yet; right now I estimate that it's about 95% finished, but the remaining 5% will take a lot of time to implement, and therefore I decided to go live now instead of waiting another few weeks.
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Although I'm almost ready with the promised redesign of QuirksMode.org, I'm nonetheless going to postpone it. There are two reasons:
- I'm stuck with the overview pages the new interaction design calls for.
- I'm sick and tired of sitting in front of my computer all day.
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As I think I said before, I am working on a redesign. In fact, I've been working on it for months, on and off, when the book permitted. Now that the book is ready I have more time to spend on it, and it's coming on nicely. (Oh, and before you ask, the frames will go. They've done their duty and I don't need them any more.)
Currently I'm going through all content pages and updating them; and since these updates go live the minute I finish them, I thought I'd give you an overview of what I'm doing.
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Regular visitors may have noticed that my homepage has changed a bit in the past few days. The old one was too cluttered and contained too much information. Besides, it didn't have any space left for the new Elsewhere on the 'Net feature. So I significantly revised my main blog pages and the content they deliver to the homepage.
Like my recently started validation drive, the homepage restructuring is just one aspect of the full-fledged QuirksMode.org redesign I'm planning. Besides, the redesign set me thinking about separation of structue and content.
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A few readers may have spotted the delicate gray text that appeared at the very bottom of my homepage last Saturday. It says "Valid XHTML 1.0". These few readers may even have drawn the correct conclusion: QuirksMode has started moving in the direction of valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional. Note: "moving in the direction of". For reasons I explain below this site will never be 100% valid, but I have decided to make an effort and see what happens next.
Besides, my content pages are long, long overdue for a cleanup, and I'm going to combine this sanitation with the switch to XHTML. Unfortunately the very first static page I edited gave raise to a fundamental question that I don't have an answer to. Therefore I submit one aspect of the maintenance of QuirksMode.org to a reader vote.
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