Fronteers 2008 - last call

With three days to go before Fronteers 2008, we still have some tickets left. Why not join Dean Edwards, Andy Clarke, Chris Heilmann, Bert Bos, Stuart Langridge, Stephen Hay, and Pete LePage of the MSIE team in Amsterdam this Thursday and Friday? It promises to be two days full of front-end geekery.
(speakers' list)

You can still buy yourself a ticket (English page; includes bug, for which my sincere apologies).

Everything’s set up now; to my own surprise I have very little left to organise, which I think means I did a good job during the last months. I hadn’t really expected that, but I’m grateful even for small favours.

See you at Fronteers 2008.

This is the blog of Peter-Paul Koch, web developer, consultant, and trainer. You can also follow him on Twitter or Mastodon.
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1 Posted by Joris von Loghausen on 9 September 2008 | Permalink

Yes yes, I'm coming already! ;)