Border rendering bugs with border-collapse and hidden cell

When border-collapse: collapse; is applied to a table with borders and a hidden cell, all browsers have issues:

Firefox hides border in the table entirely if all the cells in the row are hidden but the row element is visible. This can be resolved by hiding the row element.

Internet Explorer renders the border of the row that has all it's cells hidden. This can be resolved by hiding the row element.

Opera doesn't render all of the top border of a table if any of the top row cells is hidden and there is atleast one visible cell on the row.

Safari and iCab don't render the td border at all if a cell is hidden.

Test page Workaround is included
Reported by: Merri.

Explorer 5-6 Windows, Explorer 7, Mozilla, Opera, Safari, iCab | Reported on 5 April 2007.

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1 Posted by Merri on 6 April 2007 | Permalink

ppk slightly edited my report so the last paragraph might be a bit unclear: what it should say is that when there is a border set to the entire table element, then that border doesn't render entirely when a cell is hidden.

2 Posted by Brandy on 14 June 2007 | Permalink

This bug appears to be fixed in Safari 3 Beta on a Mac. (I'm using 10.4.9 on a Macbook Pro.)

3 Posted by Chris Hester on 22 November 2007 | Permalink

Works OK in Firefox 3 on Mac.

4 Posted by Chris Hester on 22 November 2007 | Permalink

Sorry ppk, I was wrong. No borders in Firefox 3. Delete my comments here!