Bug Reports for March 2007

This is the monthly Bug Reports archive for March 2007.

visibility: collapse on colgroup and col Incorrect

Permalink | Opera, Safari, iCab | 2 comments
Reported on 30 March 2007

Firefox and Opera preserve the space of the column. The table column should not be rendered, subsequent columns should move over to fill the space as though the column is not there.

Test page Workaround is not included
Reported by: Marc Pacheco.

Safari seems default the span attribute on colgroup to 0

Permalink | Safari | 0 comments
Reported on 29 March 2007

When the colgroup element does not have any child col elements and the span attribute is not set Safari defaults the value to 0.

Test page Workaround is not included
Reported by: Marc Pacheco.

ie7 position:fixed and margin-top bug

Permalink | Explorer 7 | 2 comments
Reported on 28 March 2007

imagine you want a fixed layer at the top of your page and all which follows to scroll UNDER that layer.
Apparently explorer 7 is unable to calculate a top margin for a 'position:relative' div which follows a 'position:fixed' one with higher z-index. The second layer will just stick to the top of the page no matter which marin-top you define for it.

Test page Workaround is not included
Reported by: feragnoli.

visibility: collapse on tr elements not correct

Permalink | Opera, Safari | 0 comments
Reported on 27 March 2007

Safari and Opera leave a space where the row would have been. When visibility: collapse is set on a tr. The table row should not be rendered, subsequent rows should move up to fill the space as though the row is not there.

Test page Workaround is not included
Reported by: Marc Pacheco.

IE: no hyperlink above element using AlphaImageLoader filter

Permalink | Explorer 5-6 Windows, Explorer 7 | 1 comments
Reported on 26 March 2007

I first noticed the problem when I tried to use a PNG+alpha background in an element that contains an hyperlink (see test page). The hyperlink would not work in certain area, which I later identified as non transparent areas of the background image.

It seems as if the filter "steals" mouse events in non transparent areas, regardless of its z-order (no click, no cursor shape change).

Workaround: add the filter to an element with position: static, and there must be a position: relative child element.

Test page Workaround is not included
Reported by: Herve Masson.

border on tbody incorrectly rendered

Permalink | Safari | 0 comments
Reported on 23 March 2007

Safari incorrectly places a border below the tfoot element. This is fixed in the current nightlies of web kit.

Test page Workaround is not included
Reported by: Marc Pacheco.

getAttribute("for") is always null in Internet Explorer

Permalink | Explorer 5-6 Windows, Explorer 7 | 3 comments
Reported on 22 March 2007

The getAttribute() method will return "null" in Internet Explorer when trying to get the for attribute of a label element.

Solution: use attributes['for'].nodeValue.

Test page Workaround is included
Reported by: Laurent Muchacho.

border on colgroup & col styled incorrectly

Permalink | Opera, Safari, iCab | 0 comments
Reported on 21 March 2007

Opera incorrectly places borders separating the thead and tbody sections.

Safari incorrectly places borders separating the thead and tbody sections it also draws a border around every column contained in the colgroup not just the colgroup.

(ppknote: Explorer doesn't do anything)

Test page Workaround is not included
Reported by: Marc Pacheco.

Incorrect handling of the this-keyword in the global scope by IE7

Permalink | Explorer 5-6 Windows, Explorer 7 | 3 comments
Reported on 20 March 2007

If you define a function as a member of the window object in IE7, the keyword this obviously refers to the wrong object:

window.myFunction = function() {
   return (this === window);

A call to myfunction() in IE7 would incorrecty yield false. This problem also affects exception handling. Predefined event-handlers like onload are not affected.

Test page Workaround is included
Reported by: Arnold Konrad.

Webkit hover opacity bug

Permalink | Safari | 2 comments
Reported on 19 March 2007

When a floating element has an opacity of less than one and when hovered it has an opacity of one, Safari (all webkit browsers except the latest Webkit builds) freaks out. The only solution so far seems to be to set the hover opacity to .99

Test page Workaround is included
Reported by: Vasilis.

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