Bug Reports for October 2006

This is the monthly Bug Reports archive for October 2006.

Outline property affecting layout

Permalink | Mozilla, Opera | 3 comments
Reported on 27 October 2006

The outline property affects block sizes when contained by an element set to overflow: auto.

Test page Workaround is not included
Reported by: Marc Pacheco.

No focus border on A and INPUT elements within a block with opacity

Permalink | Safari | 3 comments
Reported on 26 October 2006

In Safari, <INPUT> and anchor (<A>) elements within a block that has opacity applied to it will not receive the treatment (blue border, by default) indicating that the user has put focus on that element (e.g. by tabbing). A workaround is provided to use the :focus pseudoclass on <INPUT> and anchor elements within the wrapping semi-opaque element to manually apply a style indicating the user has focused on the element.

Test page Workaround is included
Reported by: Peter Mularien.

Rendering background-color incorrectly

Permalink | Explorer 5-6 Windows, Explorer 7 | 1 comments
Reported on 25 October 2006

IE fails to fully render the background and borders of a div containing floats when the browser window is narrowed.

Test page Workaround is included
Reported by: Chris Hester.

CSS box height bug in IE6win

Permalink | (Orphaned), Explorer 5-6 Windows | 1 comments
Reported on 24 October 2006

In IE6win, an empty div with a css height less than the prevailing font-size (1em) will display with a height of 1em.

The test page provides 2 workarounds.

Test page Workaround is included
Reported by: Henry Francis.

Wrong width for a box with overflow:auto and a negative margin, next to a float

Permalink | Opera | 1 comments
Reported on 23 October 2006

A box with no specified width, overflow:auto, and next to a right float has the width "limited" by the float. When adding to it a negative left margin, in Opera the width is not stretched correctly.

Test page Workaround is not included
Reported by: Bruno Fassino.

Firefox position:absolute > text-align bug

Permalink | Mozilla | 1 comments
Reported on 20 October 2006

Firefox 1.5 appears to ignore the text-align property of a paragraph nested inside a position: absolute; overflow: hidden div.

Test page Workaround is not included
Reported by: Brian Tao.

Pseudo-element bug in Opera (9.02)

Permalink | Opera | 0 comments
Reported on 19 October 2006

Adding a background-color or background-image to html:before or html:after does not work in Opera, if the pseudo-element is positioned or if it has display:block.

The same CSS works flawlessly on body:before and body:after.

Test page Workaround is included
Reported by: Leif Halvard Silli.

Floats inside a scrolling div inside a table

Permalink | Safari | 6 comments
Reported on 18 October 2006

Let's say you've some content inside a div with a defined size, which is inside a table. The div is set to overflow: auto, so any content that won't fit should scroll.

In Safari and Shiira, if the content inside the div is floated, the table height (not the div height) will expand to fit the height of the content inside the div.

Test page Workaround is not included
Reported by: Brandy.

Odd Click Event Sharing

Permalink | Mozilla, Opera | 1062 comments
Reported on 16 October 2006

In Firefox, when a button element and an input[type=text] element share a form, and the button element has a click handler, then that click handler function will get fired when the user focuses on the input[type=text] and presses return. The first time, the event target will be the input[type=text] element, but the second time it happens, it'l be the button element.

Workaround: use input[type=button] instead.

Test page Workaround is included
Reported by: Isaac Z. Schlueter.

Break Tag Extra Space Bug

Permalink | Explorer Mac, Mozilla, Safari | 4 comments
Reported on 5 October 2006

A break tag in your code when text is aligned right causes a space at the end of the line. This has the effect that the last line in a group appears too far right.

Test page Workaround is included
Reported by: Chris Hester.

Dropped Float Bug

Permalink | Explorer 5-6 Windows, Explorer 7, Explorer Mac | 1 comments
Reported on 4 October 2006

IE can drop a floated column with a percentual width when the browser window is narrowed.

ppknote: Explorer Mac crashes when you resize the test page.

Test page Workaround is included
Reported by: Chris Hester.

Element retains position: absolute after class change

Permalink | (Orphaned), Safari | 1 comments
Reported on 3 October 2006

When changing a parent element's class via JavaScript/DOM, an initial position:absolute declaration sticks. The problem is corrected by applying a position:relative declaration to the parent element's children.

Test page Workaround is included
Reported by: Steve Stedman.

Elements with negative margins or indents get cropped when parent hasLayout

Permalink | Explorer 5-6 Windows, Explorer 7, Explorer Mac | 2 comments
Reported on 2 October 2006

Negatively margined (or indented) elements get cropped if their parent elements have layout (hasLayout == true).

(ppknote: IE 7 crops the right margin of the first example, but not the left. IE Mac ignores the margin-right: -10px in the first example.)

Test page Workaround is not included
Reported by: Margaux.

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