Summary of the Thidrekssaga

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Dietrich's return


Now king Dietrich von Bern had lost many warriors. King Dietrich and master Hildebrand conferred, and the king said: It has always been my greatest regret that I have been away from my realm for so long, and now I lost all my heroes and friends, and my honour. See, master Hildebrand, how many of our friends are dead: good margrave Rodinger, and king Gunther of Niflungenland was killed, and HagenMs B adds: and their brothers, who have been our greatest friends. What are we doing here in Hunnenland? Why should we grow old here? And God knows I'd prefer to die for my realm of Amelungenland and my good city of Bern than grow old and lose my honour here in Hunnenland. We have served king Attila for too long.

Master Hildebrand replied: My lord, we've been away from our realm for a long time, and lost much, first of all by Sibich's treason, and we will fight against superior numbers in king Ermenrik's realm. But still I agree with you: it's better to die in Amelungenland than to grow old dishonourably in Hunnenland.

King Dietrich said: Master Hildebrand, what have you heard about my town of Bern. Who rules there now?

And master Hildebrand said: My lord, I do not know, but I have heard something about it, that there would be a duke there named Alebrand, and he is supposed to be my son. And it is said he is a great warrior. It could be that my wife Oda was pregnant when I left Bern, and that he was born afterwards.

King Dietrich replied: If your son were duke of Bern it would be a stroke of luck. He would receive us well if he is as loyal to us as you have been.

And Hildebrand said: Lord, how will we arrange this trip?

And the king said: We cannot come to Amelungenland with an army. Since Hunnenland has too few men left king Attila will not send his leaders with us to win back our realm. I want to go to Amelungenland in secret, and it would be good if there were no more men than the two of us, and I will swear I will not leave Amelungenland again with dishonour, but die there or win my kingdom back.

Master Hildebrand said: If the two of us go alone, lord, this journey will only have little honourApparently honour requires a large army?, but it's better to travel like this than not to go to Amelungenland at all.

Status: summary of 1 chapters complete.

Other parts

  1. Dietrich's family (1-14)
  2. Hildebrand (15-17)
  3. Heime (18-20)
  4. Osantrix and Oda (21-38)
  5. Attila and Erka (39-56)
  6. Wieland the Smith (57-79)
  7. Witig (80-95)
  8. Journey to Osning (96-107)
  9. Witig and Heime (108-110,134-137,146-151)
  10. Detlef the Dane (111-129)
  11. Amelung, Wildeber, and Herbrand (130-133)
  12. Wildeber and Isung (138-145)
  13. Sigmund and Sisibe (152-161)
  14. Sigfrid's youth (162-168)
  15. Origins of the Niflungen (169-170)
  16. Dietrich's feast (171-191)
  17. The road to Bertangaland (192-199)
  18. The tournament (200-222)
  19. Dietrich's fellowship falls apart (223-226,240)
  20. Gunther and Brunhild (227-230)
  21. Walther and Hildegund (241-244)
  22. Ake and Iron (269-275)
  23. Dietrich's flight (276-290)
  24. The Wilkinen wars (291-315)
  25. The battle of Gransport (316-341)
  26. Sigfrid's death (342-348)
  27. Hertnit and Isung (349-355)
  28. Grimhild's revenge (356-394)
  29. Dietrich's return (395-415)
  30. Attila's death (423-428)
  31. Heime's death (429-437)
  32. Dietrich's death (438-442)