Misaligned list delimiters

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Changing an OL elements start number to a multi digit number and then changing in back to a single digit number will mess up the alignement of the numbers when the list is in Roman Numeral mode.

The testcase includes two links to quickly trigger the bug and a form to mess with the OL as much as you like.

Test page Workaround is not included
Reported by: Jaap Roes.

(Orphaned), Mozilla | Reported on 25 January 2005.


(Add your own)

Posted by Philip Hazelden on 26 January 2005


It seems to occur whenever you change the start number at all, irrespective of the number of digits.
Firefox 1.0/Linux.

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  1. When quoting specs, articles or your own research, please include a URL of the document.
  2. Test your stuff. When reporting browser behaviour, make sure that your report is correct.
